Christadelphians are a worldwide body of Christians who believe that the Bible is key to learning about God and that it is His inspired word.
The name ‘Christadelphian’ means ‘Brothers and Sisters in Christ’ and has been used for our fellowship since the mid 19th Century. We often refer to our meeting places and our meetings as ‘ecclesias’, which is the original Greek word for ‘church’ in the New Testament.
There are a little over three hundred Christadelphian ecclesias in the UK and many more in most countries in the rest of the world. Congregations seldom exceed a hundred and are self-governing based on an agreed interpretation of the Bible. We encourage personal Bible study.
We have no central organising committee or paid ministry and are funded by voluntary contributions from our own members.
In addition to our Sunday meetings for worship we run weekly Bible classes, Sunday Schools, Youth Groups as well as other fellowship activities and we also have a number of Care Homes for the elderly.
We are not a secret society and warmly welcome visitors keen to learn more about the Bible and its message of truth and hope in these challenging times. Our worship often consists of singing hymns of praise to God.
Learn more
To read more about our community, go to the BBC Religions website.